미국 CLC EA이신 짐 보버리 신부님

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미국 CLC EA이신 짐 보버리 신부님

Postby markclc_admin » Sun Jul 17, 2016 3:56 pm

저희 미국 CLC의 EA이시며, 2년전 저희에게 공동 식별에 대한 주말 피정을 지도해 주셨던 짐 보버리 신부님이 깊은 병환중에 계십니다.
신부님의 완전한 회복을 위해 많은 기도 부탁 드립니다.

아래는 CLC-USA로 부터의 같은 내용에 대한 편지입니다.

Subject: Fr. Jim Borbely Health Update July 16
Dear Friends,
I am writing to share with you a health report on Fr. Jim Borbely, CLC-USA National Ecclesial Assistant.
Several weeks ago Fr. Jim was admitted to St. Joseph’s Hospital in Reading, Pennsylvania. He had congestive heart failure. After a successful medical procedure and a few days of recovery in the hospital, he was admitted to a rehab center. He was released from the rehab center yesterday, July 15.
Fr. Jim has other serious medical issues. Those of you who know him know that Fr. Jim is a very private person. However, given the gravity of his medical problems and the fact that he will be undergoing additional surgeries in the weeks/months to come, I thought that we, the CLC body, should be aware of his health issues so that we can all pray for him. Yesterday I asked for and received his permission to share his health status with the larger body.
From his text message to me today [7/16]:
“I was released [yesterday, 7/15] from rehab to the nursing care floor of the Jesuit Center [Wernersville, Pennsylvania] where I expect to be thru August. I have several more medical issues to deal with – fractured spine, prostate, blocked esophagus, shortness of breath, in-house rehab of muscle strength, the voice problem [he was unable to speak], and recovery from these procedures. It’s fine with me if everyone knows that I’m in pretty bad shape and won’t be able to do much for several more weeks except deal with doctors and physical therapy.”
I will share updates as I learn of them.
I ask you all to keep Fr. Jim in your prayers.
Ed Plocha

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